Buying and shipping to Brunei is now as easy as it used to be. We can help you collect your parcel from our warehouse in Miri.
All parcels will be collected by our professional Agent
From size S parcels to 3XL parcels, we are ready to serve you with better pricing
Upon item collected, you will be able to track all of your parcels.
With last-mile delivery, now you may remove the hassle of pickup your parcel
BeeCross is Miri warehouse and address for you to use for online purchase.
You need download ONZ app. and request for pickup and delivery for your parcel
When you use Cross-X, Declaration and Permit will be arranged by ONZ (If required)
Our rate are based on your parcel size Click here. For permit, we will charge BND3.00 per agency.
Yes, we do offer home delivery aka Last mile delivery with extra charge of BND5.00 nationwide.
Yes, you may self collect at our ONZ Warehouse if you want.